Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pictures, Interactives: Science Ediition

The internet can be used for more than just webquests and projects. It can be used to provide students with visuals and manipulatives that can provide some real learning opportunities. These manipulatives can be used withing specific webquests or as stand alone demonstrations.

First, pictures are a great resource you can show your students these can be found by you, and it's amazing what a simple google found image can do to enhance student understanding of crazy words that may be hard to understand. Take for example: Ptarmigan. Look at the above picture. This is a ptarmigan. Now after seeing a single picture you know a great deal, and may make many inferences about the ptarmigan.

Interactives can allow your students to see and manipulate concepts. A few examples of ways students can manipulate various biology/life science concepts can be found below. Most topics have a host of resources like this if you look for them.

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